viernes, 8 de julio de 2022

When are the results of Yoga seen?

 Improve tiredness, get more energy, more agility, improve and shorten digestion, are some of the first indicators of rapid results

Fragment of an interview with José Antonio Cao, certified Yoga teacher - Iyengar Method.

Jordys González (JG) - When can I start to see the results?

For example, if I start today, I see your course, or I see a module of your course and I start applying it, when can I see any results? At least in that section, that module or for that ailment. Of course taking into account that I am consistent, consistent and disciplined with the practice of yoga.

José Antonio Cao - This is the most difficult, isn't it?

If you do exactly what is said to be done, the result is very fast, because the physical body (musculoskeletal), which is the first to find out about the result, is toned up and responds. In practically less than two months the results are already seen and people notice differences.

There are many small indicators that my students like to hear, which can be, for example, the time that the person wakes up in the morning, it can be the time of digestion of food, which decreases.

JG- We notice that it shortens, right?

José Antonio Cao - Of course, because the digestive system is toned, it can also be the ability to go up and down stairs. This action costs less, because the body seems to be lighter since there are many muscles that begin to work, which were previously outside the system, and these details are small indicators that the external musculoskeletal machinery is actually being fine-tuned.

This is a result that is obtained very quickly, especially if they are people between an average age, approximately between 20 and 65 or 70 years old, a person who still has a stable body.

Then, obviously, the most powerful results, the most medium and long-term results, which are what a slightly more mature practitioner seeks to have, would have to depend on the character and physiognomy, and physiology of the person, since He will have them after 3, 6, 8 months or sometimes a year, depending on the practice he has had, but he always has it quickly.

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