lunes, 11 de julio de 2022

Turn your body into the best ally of your mind

 Fragment of an interview with José Antonio Cao, certified Yoga teacher - Iyengar Method.

Jordys González (JG) – José, I have a question. In neuro-linguistic programming, I believe that in all this, one thing is always tied to the other, it is said that either... you can change your physiognomy with your mind, or you can even change your thoughts with your physiognomy.

This is also dealt with in yoga, isn't it? that one thing connects with the other perfectly.

José Antonio Cao - Yes, a prominent yoga teacher who is Prasant Iyengar, son of the Iyengar teacher, once wrote that: "Asanas, as a yoga exercise, are iconographic archetypes of the consciousness of the human being."

When one adopts a posture, he is adopting it from the core of his being, to his skin, which is what he told you before, in the first question. Virtually nothing is left out of the exercise.

If the physical body adopts a figure, it is suggesting to your psyche that it adopt a behavior, and it is telling your thoughts to flow in a certain way.

Then the physical movement, the energetic movement, the mental movement, are aligned in a certain way, then one induces the stability of the psyche through the stability of the body.

And like most beginning practitioners, they only perceive something specific on a physical level, from the skin directly, because that is the tool that is used. But it does not mean that with this tool we are limiting ourselves only to that layer, this tool is capable of influencing all the others, even if they do not realize it at first... but it's happening.

That is why deep, long-term character changes are taking place from the first time the practitioner adopts a yoga posture, well done... That is the result.

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